Wednesday, August 12, 2009

so like, what is Three Squares?

This week I have been sunbathing, eating baked goods, going for scenic runs and taking an excessive amounts of naps in Wilton, ME with 20ishof my Salois relatives for company.  The weather has been beautiful and the water warm, so, of course, the only thing that I’ve been lacking is my beloved cable Internet connection.  Today, I made a jaunty 20 minute hike to the Wilton Public Library to fulfill my craving with a bit of Wi-Fi.  The library is dainty-sized with elaborate woodwork embellishing its walls, making it a petit fours of architecture and the perfect place to get back to the blog that I have been missing.  Really missing.  I don’t want to seem clingy because I know it’s only been 5 posts, but I think I’m starting to fall in love with Three Squares.  I started it as a project to keep my writing sharp over the summer and also start a portfolio of pieces that would make me irresistible to future employers.  Already it’s become more.  Three Squares has been the fuse to an explosion of ideas.  It seems like an obvious concept, but I’ve realized that what I really, really want to write is words that make people understand their responsibilities to the world and to themselves.  I’m not a self-help writer.  I don’t want a photograph of myself on the cover of a book and blocky red letters that say, “A BETTER YOU!”.  My purpose now is to become a writer who can articulate meditated ideas in entertaining and approachable ways.  I have a goal is to change the world with a mosaic of lifestyle tweaks.  I hope you will keep reading as I pick my way through words until I find exactly what I want to say.     

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